Friday, August 15, 2008

First Loose Tooth!!!

Kamryn has finally lost her first tooth after letting it hang by a thread for weeks. She's been very skiddish about us touching it and Rick finally convinced her that it wouldn't hurt to pull it out. So last night he yanked it out and then came the freak outs. Blood came gushing and she was not too happy. I tried not to laugh as she sobbed with cottonballs stuffed in front of her mouth. She got through it and the tooth fairy visited so she's much happier now.

Christian had a boat race for scouts yesterday and it was quite interesting. Just to give you a little background, for all of you who know about the movie "Down and Derby", that perfectly describes Rick researching how to make the stinkin thing. He looked on the intenet at videos of scouts racing boats and which style was the fastest. Needless to say, he spent an entire day cutting, sanding, planning, and painting. Of course it was navy blue and white with a big Y sticker on the mast. Rick loves to bring attention to us all. So when we got there everyone was oohing and aaahhhing over it. The first race was kind of sad because the other kid didn't have a chance. Neither did anyone else. Then came the complaining that we didn't follow rules and we assured them everything fit all the standards. People don't like to loose. So now everyone in the ward hates us, but hey, that's nothing new!! Just kidding. Christian was beaming and was so proud of his boat. He won candy at the end and that was the best part of all. Then all the boys had a water fight and I think the adult men had more fun than the kids. Everyone was soaking wet on the way home but had a ton of fun.