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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The day before Halloween I found out I didn't get accepted into the nursing program at BYU. So Halloween wasn't so much fun this year. I was trying to be happy for the kids, but I was sort of dead inside. It's strange how 2 years of trying to achieve your ultimate goal can be flushed down the toilet in an instant. But there's still a little bit of hope for the future. I can apply one more time for spring semester and hopefully get in then. If not, it's on to other universities. I've decided not to give up even if it takes me 10 more years. By then, I guess I should have been a doctor!
Halloween was still fun for the kids and Megan loved wearning her pirate outfit all day while we went shopping. That night we got all the kids ready and put Josh's tiger suit on and he instantly tore it off screaming his lungs out. So he went as a normal kid to a few houses then was too bored. He didn't care much about trick or treating like I thought he would. Rick dressed as a pirate and looked absolutely great! He took the kids around the neighborhood and we went home early because of the rain. So not too much candy this year, woo hoo! I hate having a lifetime of sugar at their fingertips. It's too tempting for me to sneak it too. After the trick or treating we left to my friend Kristin's house where the kids played and watched a movie while we talked and laughed for the rest of the night. It was nice to get my mind off of the nursing thing. My friends in my lunch group were sad for me but excited that I'll be able to still meet with them for another few months. I guess everything happens for a reason!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What's New
Now that I'm finished applying to the nursing program, I've had a lot of free time on my hands. I've been reading the Twilight series and completely lost myself for a while. It's been fun not habving to read a textbook. Megan celebrated her 4th birthday and was spoiled rotten again. She liked being the center of attention. 2 weeks ago Kami and Megan got to spend 2 nights at their aunt Lisa's house to play with their cousins. I got to spend some quality time with the boys. Josh was glad to have mommy all to himself.
Last saturday we went 4 wheeling again with my parents and enjoyed the great weather. Who knows how long it will last. Christian drove Kami around on one around in circles and thought he was hot stuff. We haven't done much of anything else, so that's the highlight of our month.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tag from Mindy
Okay Mindy, here's your tag info. Not very interesting, but I'm game. I'm having fun looking at your blog!
What I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Getting married
2. What do you think newlyweds do??
3. More of number 2
4. Working
5. Being not fat
5 things on my to-do list today...
1. Dishes
2. Read more of New Moon in the twilight series
3. Put laundry away
4. Play outside with Josh
5. Call to see how my girls are doing at my sister's house
5 of my favorite snacks...
1. Peanut butter M & M's
2. Ice cream
3. Popcorn
4. Popsicles
5. bagels
5 Jobs I've had...
1. Once upon a child
2. worked for a bankruptcy trustee
3. American Express
4. Toys R Us
5. Mom
5 things I would do with a million dollars...
1. Buy a house in Alaska
2. Take a second honeymoon with my honey
3. Save for my kids' college education
4. Get drunk and do lots of number two...just kidding
5. A million dollars isn't that much money anymore... that'd cover all of it
5 things that made me laugh this week...
1. Watching Kamryn throw a fit because she didn't want to clean her room, then tell me it was fun after she did it
2. Watching Josh play
3. Megan makes me laugh every day.
4. America's funniest home videos
5. Hearing my niece tell me that she once kissed her daddy's bum
Monday, September 8, 2008
It's been a busy couple of weeks and I'll be busy the rest of the month, so I doubt I'll be posting anything new for a while. I was in the hospital with a kidney stone and Megan dislocated her elbow and Josh has a bad ear infection. We're not too happy. Everything seems to come in threes. Meg and I are fine now but Josh can't seem to get rid of his infection.
Nothing too interesting is going on. We went four wheeling again this weekend with my parents and Christian finally got to drive one. I was on the back and thought I'd die but he did okay. He liked to hit the bumps hard and make me fly up and scream. He wants to ride one without someone on the back. That kid wants to be 16 so bad so he can drive something. He can't seem to grow up fast enough. Kamryn is a speed demon too. She always says "That was awesome!" every time she rides. First grade seems to fit her well and she likes lunch and recess. Chris is loving the 3rd grade and making friends. I feel too old to be going to parent teacher conferences and doing school mom things. Am I the only one having problems growing older? I want to be a kid forever.
Friday, August 15, 2008
First Loose Tooth!!!
Kamryn has finally lost her first tooth after letting it hang by a thread for weeks. She's been very skiddish about us touching it and Rick finally convinced her that it wouldn't hurt to pull it out. So last night he yanked it out and then came the freak outs. Blood came gushing and she was not too happy. I tried not to laugh as she sobbed with cottonballs stuffed in front of her mouth. She got through it and the tooth fairy visited so she's much happier now.
Christian had a boat race for scouts yesterday and it was quite interesting. Just to give you a little background, for all of you who know about the movie "Down and Derby", that perfectly describes Rick researching how to make the stinkin thing. He looked on the intenet at videos of scouts racing boats and which style was the fastest. Needless to say, he spent an entire day cutting, sanding, planning, and painting. Of course it was navy blue and white with a big Y sticker on the mast. Rick loves to bring attention to us all. So when we got there everyone was oohing and aaahhhing over it. The first race was kind of sad because the other kid didn't have a chance. Neither did anyone else. Then came the complaining that we didn't follow rules and we assured them everything fit all the standards. People don't like to loose. So now everyone in the ward hates us, but hey, that's nothing new!! Just kidding. Christian was beaming and was so proud of his boat. He won candy at the end and that was the best part of all. Then all the boys had a water fight and I think the adult men had more fun than the kids. Everyone was soaking wet on the way home but had a ton of fun.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Joshua has finally turned 2 years old! That morning I got up and told him it was his birthday and he said "NO!!" All day when I said anything about his birthday he just got mad and yelled NO at me. Apparently he doesn't like his birthdays. The next day we had family over and had a little party for him. He liked getting presents and loves his new trucks and his Radio Flyer scooter. Now he can ride will all the kids. Clothes were not exciting and he just threw them aside.
The kids are excited to start school in 2 weeks. I think I'm more excited than they are. I finish summer classes on the 13th of August and I'm taking a break this fall. I'm applying to the nursing program and will hopefully start full time this January. I need the break because my brain is seriously fried.